Alternative Spellings
- Lanaw
- Part of speech
- noun
- Scientific name
- ?
- Kelabit
- English
- The pith of a young plant which is eaten.
- Malay
- Umbut sejenis tumbuhan muda yang boleh dimakan.
Encyclopedic info
- Kelabit
- Lanau inih dooq ulun iring tengab ebpaq mey abang. Daun nadih buyur. Pu'un da'un mey anit nuk ngered tu'en memug/ngelanit. Dooq main tu'en ngeriki ruyung bawang budaq, pusuq mey dooq tu'en ngelened ruyung sup tengayen.
- English
- A local vegetable that grows wild, mostly along river banks or drains. It has an oval-pointed leaf. To prepare, peel the old leaves and collect the soft part/pith of the plant. It can be fried with garlic, anchovies, etc or cooked with tengayen for soup. It taste like asparagus.
- Malay
- Sejenis sayur liar yang tumbuh di tepi sungai atau parit. Daunnya berbentuk lonjong. Sebelum dimasak, daun-daun tua dikupas. Biasanya digoreng dengan bawang putih, ikan bilis, dan lain-lain rempah, ataupun direbus dengan tengayen untuk dibuat sup. Rasanya seperti asparugus.
Example sentences
- Kelabit
- ?
- English
- ?
- Malay
- ?