- Part of speech
- noun
- Scientific name
- ?
- Kelabit
- Edteh na'an kerid nuk beluluk nedih kereb kenen.
- English
- A type of vegetable that you eat its shoot.
- Malay
- Sejenis sayur yang anda makan isi pucuk anak pokok.
Encyclopedic info
- English
- A local vegetable that grows wild, mostly along river banks or drains. It has an oval-pointed leaf. To prepare, first, you peel the old leaves and collect the soft part of the plant. It can be fried with garlic, anchovies, etc or cooked with "tangayen'(local vegetable soup). It taste like asperagus.
- Sejenis sayur liar yang tumbuh di tepi sungai atau parit. Daunnya berbentuk lonjong. Sebelum dimasak, daun-daun tua dikupas. Biasanya digoreng dengan bawang putih, ikan bilis, dan lain-lain rempah ataupun direbus dengan "tengayen" (sup sayur tempatan). Rasanya seperti asparugus.
Example sentences
- Kelabit
- ?
- English
- ?
- Malay
- ?