- Part of speech
- noun
- Scientific name
- ?
- Kelabit
- Edteh na'an kerid nuk udung nuk mangud nedih kereb kenen.
- English
- A type of local vegetable that you eat its young leaves.
- Malay
- Sejenis sayur tempatan yang pucuk muda nya boleh dimakan.
Encyclopedic info
- English
- A local vegetable that grows wild along river banks, drains or cool & moist area. It has tiny oval leaves and soft stems. It leaf looks like grass, but it has long stem. This vegetable is only prepared as vegetable soup.
- Malay
- Sejenis sayur liar tempatan yang tumbuh di tepi sungai, parit atau di tempat-tempat yang sejuk dan lembap. Daunnya agak serupa dengan daun rumput, tetapi pokoknya panjang. Sayur tempatan ini hanya direbus sebagai sup sayur.
Example sentences
- Kelabit
- ?
- English
- ?
- Malay
- ?