People Template
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==Personal Summary== {{Infobox Person | image =Default_Photo.jpg | caption =Photo sumbitted by L.Raja (2007) | kelabit_name =Sinah Raja Dita | title =[[Sinabu]] for nephew Joshua Little | birth_date =7th October, 1968 | birth_place =Bario, Sarawak | longhouse =[[Ulung Palang]] | education =(B.Eng Hons) Electronics and Communication Engineering, Bath University, England in 1991 | occupation =Process Engineer (Oil&Gas) | spouse =[[Robert Tucker]] | parents =[[Petrus Lawai Busan]], [[Sarah Sakai]] | children =[[Devong Tucker]] | siblings =[[Anthony Ngimat]], [[Philip Raja]], [[Marilyn Raja]], [[Julia Raja]], [[Lilla Raja]], [[Lorrain Gala]], [[Peter Raja]] }} [[category:People |Lolly Raja ]] [[category:Engineer |Lolly Raja ]] [[category:Ulung Palang |Lolly Raja ]]
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Here how it looks:
Personal Summary

Kelabit Name | Sinah Raja Dita |
Title | Sinabu for nephew Joshua Little |
Born | 7th October, 1968 |
Place of Birth | Bario, Sarawak |
Longhouse/Village | Ulung Palang |
Education | (B.Eng Hons) Electronics and Communication Engineering, Bath University, England in 1991 |
Occupation | Process Engineer (Oil&Gas) |
Spouse | Robert Tucker |
Parents | Petrus Lawai Busan, Sarah Sakai |
Children | Devong Tucker |
Siblings | Anthony Ngimat, Philip Raja, Marilyn Raja, Julia Raja, Lilla Raja, Lorrain Gala, Peter Raja |