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== Headline text ==

Revision as of 16:00, 20 September 2007

Nutung lam bulu'

Heading 1


1. Kelabit

2. Malay

   Memasak menggunakan buluh:
   a) buluh yang hendak digunakan dibersihkan terlebih dahulu
   b) bahan yang telah disediakan dimasukkan ke dalam buluh
   c) mulut buluh, kemudiannya, disumbat dengan daun seperti pucuk ubi
   d) buluh kemudian diletakkan berdekatan (tetapi tidak terlalu dekat supaya buluh tidak hangus) dengan api 
   e) buluh akan dialihkan setiap masa supaya makanan masak dengan sama rata 

3. English

   The method of cooking using bamboo:
   a) the bamboo used is cleaned
   b) prepared food placed into the bamboo through the only outlet
   c) the outlet, then, is sealed with leaves such as tapioca leaves
   d) bamboo is then placed (not too closed to avoid bamboo from being burnt) closed to the cooking fire
   e) bamboo is turned around regularly so food will be cooked evenly

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